Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bell Park

Bell Park
photo credit to photine on flickr
I remember going to this sweet flower-filled park when I was a little girl. We lived in a wonderful bungalow a few streets over, and my mom would walk me over to Bell Park to cross the bridge, skip rocks in the little pond and listen to the birds.

It's hard to believe the park is still there. When I was in grad school, I remember picnics and going there to catch up on my reading. Last time I got to visit was on a rainy November day for the Urban Dare ~ Stacey and I had to toss beanbags at a target before moving on to the next dare at Hermann Park. I was glad to see it again.

Now I look forward to having picnics there with Sean and Lyle, to showing my bub a little oasis in the big city, a place to just be. We need more places like that :)

4790 Montrose Blvd ~ Houston, Texas

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kim! Where do you get the time? You are so amazing. I had to post something on Bell Park. When I was in the French club in high school (many moons ago), we had a picnic at Bell Park in the fall. It was perfect. I will always have fond memories and just wanted to share. Houston misses you too!
